After School Sport & Physical Activity
Kings’ is hugely proud of its sporting tradition and offers extensive after school opportunities for pupils in invasion games (netball, football, basketball, rugby, hockey), net/wall games (tennis, badminton, table-tennis, volleyball) and striking and fielding games (cricket, rounders), as well as chances to participate in cross-country, athletics and swimming. There is also an extensive inclusive sports programme covering boccia, tennis, wheelchair basketball and swimming which is led by out SEND department. Whilst we have a number of pupils performing at an elite level and a strong sporting alumni, all clubs are intended for all pupils irrespective of their previous ability or experience. Further sporting opportunities are also presented by the House system where sport features very heavily.
All sports clubs run from approximately 3:20-4:30. Pupils should sign up via Edulink clubs and must register with the relevant member of staff at the start of each session. They should bring all the necessary Kings’ clothing, suitable footwear and protective equipment. Our sports teams compete in competitive friendly fixtures against several local state and fee-paying schools in addition to entering district competitions (against schools within the Eastleigh and Winchester District), county competitions (against schools in Hampshire) and national competitions (against schools in the South and further afield). All pupils are encouraged to volunteer and assist with sports programmes with many KS4 pupils taking on the role of supervised coaches or officials at sessions for KS3 pupils and many KS3 pupils acting as leaders for the numerous primary school sports festivals that are held on site.
Under normal circumstances there are annual domestic tours in netball and rugby and a European sports tour focusing on either rugby, football, or hockey. All of these are always heavily subscribed and feature higher level fitness and fixtures.