School Travel
Travelling to School
When selecting Kings’ as your child’s preferred secondary school, it is important to think about how your child will travel to and from school each day.
Most families in Hampshire organise their own home to school journey. Those families might walk, cycle, use public transport, lift-share with other families, or take their child to school in their family car.
See Hampshire County Council’s Travel to school page and the My Journey Hampshire page for ideas and information about your child’s journey to school.
Our Site
Our site can be accessed from both Romsey Road and Sarum Road. Please drive carefully near our school site to keep our pupils safe.
Our Sarum Road pedestrian gate is open for pupils between 8am and 8.45am each morning and from 3.15pm until 4.35pm each afternoon.
There is no safe stopping place for vehicles at the Sarum Road entrance, and so we would ask that you do not drop off or pick up your child here.
Our Romsey Road pedestrian entrance is open between 7.30am and 9am each morning and from 3.15pm until 10pm each afternoon.
There is very limited space to stop safely at the Romsey Road entrance, and so we would ask that you only drop off or pick up your child here in exceptional circumstances. Please use the 5 minute Walk Zone map below to identify areas that you could arrange to collect your child.
Please note cyclists may use either of the pedestrian entrances. Once on the school site, cyclists must walk their bike to the cycle storage area.
picking up your child by car
Driving / Dropping Off
Our recommended safe drop-off/pick-up point is Pitt Park & Ride on Romsey Road where there is a footpath that leads to a designated crossing point on Kilham Lane. This is only a short walk to and from school (less than 10 minutes). Whilst there is a crossing point on Kilham Lane, we would advise that parents reinforce the importance of good road safety at all times by ensuring pupils use this point to cross the road. Using this option ensures less congestion on both Sarum Road and Kings Road. A video is available above to show the safe walking route.
5-10 Min Walk Zone
Please look at the map below to identify areas that you could drop your child for them to walk the final 5-10 mins to school. This will help to keep our pupils safe and avoid congestion and delays
School Transport
Hampshire County Council is responsible for providing assistance with transport to school for children living in the local authority administrative area.
If you believe your child qualifies for help with Home to School Transport, please see the Hampshire County Council website for more information, and to apply