Pupil Support
At Kings’ our vision of working together to build inspiring futures is without exception; and our approach of meeting the needs of all our pupils is reflected in our well-rounded and individualised education offering. This is exhibited in the support offered to pupils to meet or exceed their academic targets, alongside an exceptional range of inclusive co-curricular opportunities.
SEND at Kings’
For Kings’ pupils with SEND needs we commit to ensure they are able to access their entitlement to our wide diversity of opportunities and full curriculum as part of the whole school community.
We are a friendly and supportive school and, as such, pupils with SEND requirements are educated, wherever possible, in an inclusive environment alongside their peers to enable each pupil to reach their full potential.
Kings’ is a designated school for pupils with physical disabilities, with a Resourced Provision Unit. This means we are exceptionally well-resourced to ensure that all pupils are fully included and integrated into the mainstream education of the school. The Department is led by two qualified SENCO together with the manager and Teacher in Charge of the Resourced Provision. Our staff are well trained to enable each individual pupil has the opportunity to succeed within our happy, caring, and supportive environment.
Kings’ is committed to providing premises that are suitable and sufficient for all educational purposes and give access to a broad and balanced curriculum for all students, irrespective of special need or disability.