Retaining Great Staff
- Supporting your health –free use of school swimming pool, free flu jabs.
- Flexible personal leave requests.
- Option of paid lunch duties, no additional workload expectations.
- Minimising teacher cover – fantastic team of Cover Supervisors.
- Valued and impactful staff voice processes.
- Staff work environments refurbished, staff outings and free social events.
- Wellbeing programmes e.g. yoga
- Communication:
- Culture of staff peer to peer recognition – OSCAs.
- Open dialogue – leaders meet with staff regularly to discuss wellbeing and workload; staff wellbeing committee.
- Coordinated communication to keep staff informed yet reduce email traffic.
- No expectation for staff to respond to emails during evenings or weekends.
Pupil Culture:
- Simple, clear behaviour principles, framed by our values.
- Providing visible and accessible support from senior staff – ‘On Call’
- Centralised behaviour systems for recognition / sanctions e.g. detention.
Teachers – Curriculum, teaching and assessment:
- Centralised curriculum planning and resourcing for every subject so that you can spend your time focusing on the needs of for the pupils in your classes.
- Centralised character (tutor) curriculum planning and resourcing.
- Knowledge organisers – clarity of intended learning for staff, pupils and parents
- Data processes – minimised data drops, single point data entry, focus on using assessment to inform actions.
- Feedback policy and processes (no marking) and no written reports.
- Staff wellbeing survey twice an academic year, with results published alongside actions.
- Ensuring a well-managed directed time – minimising low impact activities and scheduling only on meeting per week.
- Reliable IT systems and highly responsive support team that enable you to focus on what you need to do.
- Dedicated admin staff for subject areas / your areas of responsibility.
- Continuously reviewing and evaluating our systems to improve our offer for staff.
- Training that enables middle leaders to support their team’s wellbeing and to be a great leader of people.
- Ensuring staff understand their role in supporting their own wellbeing including through their access to our Wellbeing portal.
- Considering the needs of individuals and helping staff with specific wellbeing issues.
- Encouraging and supporting to staff to work in a way that suits them and to have time for yourself / family .
We work together with:
· Winchester University
· Winchester Schools Teaching Alliance
· Sport England
· Arts?
· School Pastors (part of the Street Pastors charity)
· Winchester College (Latin, Photography, (Maths?))
· Connect4Communities (support for disadvantaged families in the school holidays)
· Winchester Schools Nursing Team
“I come in to school every day because of the pupils. Watching them develop; their characters throughout the years educationally and holistically. It’s for this reason I have been here 36 years. It has been an absolute privilege to see the development of Kings’ school.”
Ms Banwell (Head of Faculty – Humanities)