Curriculum & KS4 Options
Kings’ School Curriculum Values
At Kings’ School, our curriculum is at the heart of our mission to achieve inspiring futures, exceptional character and academic success.
At its simplest, a curriculum is the content taught to pupils in lessons. Our curriculum, however, extends well beyond lessons and, indeed, our extensive co-curricular programme. It is seen in interactions throughout the Kings’ community, in our daily desire to inspire our pupils to become the very best people they can be.
We want our curriculum to be ambitious and challenging for all, so that pupils of all backgrounds learn the best knowledge that we have in each subject area – and beyond. In taking our pupils beyond their lived experiences, our curriculum aims to push pupils to inspiring futures, and to address social disadvantage.
In constructing our knowledge-rich curriculum, we select and sequence the material to be taught with great care and purpose. Key Stage 3 is broad, balanced and challenging, ensuring a strong academic grounding for all, before pupils select from a range of challenging option subjects for Years 10 and 11, studied alongside a core of subjects to GCSE level.
In short, our curriculum is focused, coherent and learned.
- Focused – it teaches pupils what they need to know to understand and improve the world.
- Coherent – it has a clear, carefully planned narrative within and across units.
- Learned – our pupils learn more and remember more over time. This is due to core concepts being taught explicitly, deliberate practice that uses this knowledge, and assessment and feedback that leads to pupils ‘knowing what they know’ and what they need to focus on in order to make improvements.
We are proud of our ever-developing curriculum at Kings’ School. It contributes significantly to the fact that so many of our pupils go on to study challenging courses at 6th form college and attend universities across the country and beyond. Whatever a pupil’s dreams are beyond Kings’ School, when they leave us, we want our curriculum to have ensured that they have the knowledge they need to be prepared for, and inspired by, their future.
Welcome to Year 9 Options 2025-27!
We are excited to help guide our Year 9 pupils through the Options process,
supporting them as they make successful choices for Year 10, Year 11 and beyond.
Options Booklet
Options 2025-27
Click the Options Videos link below
Options Videos Link
This playlist features:
- An introduction to the options process and the pathways
- Each subject team has created a video to give you the information you need if you are interested in their subject. Please browse the playlist to help guide your decision-making process.
Options Evening 5th February 17:00 – 19:00.
You are invited to attend the Year 9 Options Evening, an opportunity to speak face to face with options subject staff, and meet the Options Team.
Please book onto (up to) 6 subject specific sessions.
If you are having any problems with login, please double check the details you are entering are the same as those which appear in Class Charts.
Bookings open on Monday 27th January at 7pm and close on Tuesday 4th February at 12noon.